Book Review: Bear with Bear by Hagit R. Oron


Nine-year-old Bear is set on having a critter as a pet. After failed attempts to adopt beetles and snails, he has to settle on a book with pictures of bugs. This is a great opportunity for him to annoy his little sister, Penelope, who is afraid of bugs.
When his parents decide to bring home a cat to help Penelope with her nightmares, Bear helps Kitty find her wild side. As a consequence, Penelope’s nightmares get even worse!
Over-tired Mom is about to give in on the snake debate, which seems to be a perfect solution for all, but Bear has other plans…


My Review

I chose to read this e-book after receiving a free copy. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.

What a cute story! A boy named Bear is fascinated with insects and wants a pet snake. He tries to keep a maggot (yuck!), beetles, and other creepy crawlies but his parents explain that these creatures aren’t meant to be pets.

Bear’s parents decide to try a kitten as a pet for his sister Penelope. They bring the kitten back after it doesn’t work out. I understand that keeping a kitten that the children won’t care for is responsible. On the other hand, giving up on the kitten so quickly doesn’t send the best message. They then got a dog and the kids decided to keep the dog, especially since it had ticks which Bear found great. In fact, he wanted to keep the ticks more than the dog!

This book was cute and the illustrations are bright and colorful. At the end, the author explains where different parts of the story came from: some are pure imagination and others are actually based on things the author experienced. Both parents and children will enjoy the end which is both interesting and informative.

I definitely recommend this book for children. It would be a good book for parents to read to children, also.

Available on Amazon.