Princess Adele’s Dragon (Witches and Dragons Book 1) by Shirley McLain
Publisher: Shirley’s Book (July 23, 2022)
Category: Sword & Sorcery, Fantasy/Romance
Tour dates: January 3-February 3, 2023
Available in ebook only, 220 pages

With the possibility of death before her, Princess Adele sets out to slay the dragon to save her Kingdom.
What she discovers in her quest changes her and the King’s life forever. We follow the lives of the Royalty of Valdoria as their world is threatened. In this medieval story, there are good guys, bad guys, white and black magic as well as goats and dragons. Read this story of love, hate, danger, and evil.
You will turn the page so you can find out what happens next in this gothic adventure.
Guest Review by Sal
For my last book of 2022, this was an excellent choice. ‘Princess Adele’s Dragon (Witches and Dragons Book 1)’ may not be my normal fare, but I think even people who don’t often read fantasy would enjoy this.
The title character, Princess Adele, takes it upon herself in the beginning of the novel, to kill a dragon that has been terrorizing her kingdom for just short of a decade. Mind you, Adele has problems of her own, as her fiancé has been missing for just as long with no sign or hope of his returning. But perhaps that is part of the reason that she decides to go after the dragon. Not only to save the child that her brother, the king, intends to sacrifice to it, but also to save herself in some small way.
Either way, Adele cannot kill the dragon. But not because of any lack of skill. No, Adele is a very capable fighter, but when she looks into the dragon’s eyes, she feels a strange pull to protect it. Soon, she understands why.
The dragon is not a dragon at all, but the cursed dragon form of her fiancé, Prince Anthony, who is able to transform back into a human with a simple kiss on the cheek from Adele. Anthony reveals that one of Adele’s best friends, Miranda, is partly responsible for his curse and that she and her lover are attempting to overthrow the king and take his throne for themselves.
With the help of the hag that cursed Anthony, the couple intend to stop Miranda and her lover, but soon find that they have more of a fight on their hands than they initially assumed.
Wrapping up my reading for the year with this compelling and moving story turned out to be a perfect ending! I loved every second! I can hardly wait for the sequel!
About the Author

Shirley McLain is a retired RN, wife, mother, and grandmother of six and Great Grandmother to four, three boys and one girl.
She is currently living in Sapulpa, Oklahoma where she is enjoying her retirement to the fullest. She was born in California but lived her growing years in Oklahoma. She has done extensive travel within the United States and learned to appreciate each state for its own beauty. Her dream trip is to see Spain and Italy at a slow pace.
Shirley has published a young adult mystery called “Crimes and Retribution”, a book of short stories called, “Shirley’s Short’s and Flashes” and a Christian poetry book called, “Verses For My King.” “Dobyns Chronicles” is a historical fiction in which you follow a family through troubling times. She has published her educational fiction about Bullying. It is for ages 10 to Adult to help them deal with bullying in school. She is now working on a book of short stories called “Shirley’s Compilation of Short Stories,” which is stories of different genres. She plans on having this book out in December 2022.
Shirley’s love of travel, adventure and writing have created works that will hold your attention, and leave you wanting more.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShirleyMcLain93
Facebook: https://facebook.com/ShirleysBooks/
This giveaway is for 3 ebook copies and is open worldwide. This giveaway ends on February 1, 2023 midnight, pacific time. Entries accepted via Rafflecopter only.
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Praise for Princess Adele’s Dragon by Shirley McLain
“Princess Adele’s Dragon is a book full of treason, friendship, love and even a witch who can cast some pretty mean spells. The real deceit comes when Adele and her brother find that two of the people they trust the most are out for one thing – to make the kingdom their own. They must hang on but at what cost?
This book may sound deep but it is really an easy read. It moves fast without losing your interest and attention to the events taking place. I think it’s a book young readers would enjoy. I did.”- Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat; Think With Your Taste Buds; A Book and A Dish
“An easy to follow read with complex story and great characters. I enjoyed it a lot and I gave it to my son as well. He enjoyed it and keeps reading the book. He loves dragons, this got him hooked :). So, I can easily recommend the book to young and experienced readers.”- Maxwell Flanagan, Goodreads
“This book is a fantastic addition to the fantasy genre. It’s one of the absolute best stories you’ll ever read. It’s a short, fast-paced book. The story is more focused on what’s happening with the characters rather than describing the settings. I love this because it lets me use my imagination to fill in the gaps. For me it’s great!”-Fifi_18, Amazon
“It’s a good story that’s very fast paced, every chapter is only a few pages so it’s a very pick up and read sort of book that’s easily to digest. It’s not overly long and outlandish. I think this author gets it. She understands that focusing on the action, makes the book a lot more enjoyable. At least it does for me.”-JP, Amazon
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