Title: Sinners, Survivors, and Saints (Boulton Quest Series, Book 2)
Author: N. D. Richman
Publication Date: April 22, 2014
Pages: 160
Recommended Ages: 9+
Christopher and Michael become multi-millionaires and their greed endangers Katherine’s life. While Christopher, Michael and Thomas are racing to rescue her, Robert Cain’s army steals the mysterious machine and his frightening intentions become clear. Can Michael beat his inner demons? Will Katherine lose the will to survive? In this exciting sequel to Brothers, Bullies and Bad the future becomes clear, and it seems things can only get worse.
I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.
Sinners, Survivors, and Saints, book #2 in the Boulton Quest Series, is a young adult book that starts a few months after Book #1, Brothers, Bullies, and Bad Guys.
This book is almost as action packed as the first book. Chris and Michael are good friends with Katherine and Thomas, who helped them in Brothers, Bullies, and Bad Guys. They have worked hard at setting up a surveillance company out of their new fancy barn built by the boys’ parents. But Robert Cain isn’t done with them just yet and when Michael makes a dumb move, their lives are at risk once more.
Katherine and Thomas are main characters in book #2 along with Chris and Michael. All 4 are very close and would do anything for each other. Michael is much more mature now…he’s not perfect but he’s much better and a likeable character.
I definitely recommend Sinners, Survivors, and Saints especially for young adults but it’s a good action story for adults as well. It’s another quick and easy read that’s action packed. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
About the Author
Camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, and getting into trouble: What a great way to grow up! One of my favourite memories is sitting on the handlebars of my brother’s bike, my dog on my lap, as he careened down the steep mountain trails above our home in Kamloops, BC. My brother and I had caves, tree forts, frog filled ponds, and cactus patches to play in, and sling shots for protection. Somehow I survived my childhood and proudly moved on to fatherhood. My children, Christopher, Michael, Thomas, and Katherine, kindly donated their names, characters, and ideas to theBoulton Quest series of books.