Title: Frankie Dupont and the Mystery of Enderby Manor
Author: Julie Ann Grasso
Publication Date: July 2014
Book Description (from Goodreads):
When his cousin Kat disappears from Enderby Manor, Frankie Dupont jumps on the case. Bumbling Inspector Cluesome is convinced that Kat is lost in Myrtle’s Mesmerising Maze, but Frankie isn’t buying it.
He follows the evidence trail to a conniving concierge, a six fingered chef, a talking parrot, a mad maid and a shifty dwarf, and quickly finds himself in a desperate race to recover Kat before her time runs out…
An exciting new illustrated middle grade mystery series for children aged 8-12.
I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.
What a fun book for children! Frankie Dupont and the Mystery of Enderby Manor is a mystery that is easy to read and flows well.
The characters are unique and the adults in the manor are described well, making it easy to picture them. Frankie is smart and would be impressive even if he were an adult.
I recommend this book for young readers. It’s a good one especially for children who enjoy a mystery.
About the Author:
With a background in paediatric nursing, Julie Anne Grasso spent many years literally wrapping children in cotton wool. Every day she witnessed great courage and resilience from the tiny people she cared for, which inspired her to write stories to encourage and entertain them.
She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Danny and their little girl, Giselle.