Book Review: The Narrow Three by J.K. Miller II

22232837Title: The Narrow Three

Author: J.K. Miller II

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Science Fiction

Publication Date: May 17, 2014

Description of the Book (from Goodreads):

For Nathan McLain, finding Emily Henderson has been the most difficult case. While he exposed his fiancé’s murderer, he knows the blood is really on Emily’s hands. So he devotes his keen investigative skills to finding her. If only he could. Her knack for disappearing without a trace leaves him kicking up dirt and chasing a shadow. Her victims never leave him so much as a flake of dried skin. So now, he’s on the hunt. She might be elusive, but she is still human. One day he’ll find her. He hopes.

In the midst of his search, Nathan receives a call from a friend at the Tenaple Police Department and goes to investigate the absurd reports coming from Comfort Lane. There, he meets Lydia Epson, a healthy, shy young girl who was bit by a mouse while playing in the yard. The bite is deep, but it doesn’t seem to bother her much. Through his investigation, Nathan comes across the first clue that might explain the reports and sends it off for identification. Everything seems normal enough.

Until the next day Lydia is found dead – decomposed beyond recognition. The evidence Nathan sent to Forensics has disappeared, and the town seems to be in the wake of a new epidemic. Determined to find the source for the chaos, Nathan dives deeper into the case. But the fight against time becomes a fight for his life as his prodding gets him captured. His time clock runs out when he comes face to face with the deadly killer.


My Review:

I received an ecopy of this book and a small compensation for an honest review.

The way The Narrow Three started, I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t the second book in a series. Nathan McLain needs to find Emily Henderson, whose victims disappear without a trace, but there was so little back story that I thought there must be a previous book (I was wrong).

There’s a lot going on in this book. It never slows down from beginning to end, an ending that is great and leaves you wanting more.

Because of the length of the book there’s not a lot of character development. I would have liked to have learned a little more about Nathan as well as Emily Henderson.

This is a short but good book. I look forward to the next one in the series, or would like to read a prequel at some point.


About the Author

5767913J. K. Miller II was born in Mountain View, CA. As a military brat he has traveled and lived in various countries including the Netherlands, France, Germany, England, Tunisia, and Italy. He first took an interest in writing in his journals at the age of ten.

Throughout his childhood, J. K. Miller II took a particular interest in fiction because the genre allowed his mind to wander to undetermined heights. The very first series he read (partially, as there are so many books in the series) was The Boxcar Children. His favorite authors include Terry Goodkind, Crista McHugh, Gertrude Chandler Warner, and James Patterson.

His favorite genre to write is fantasy, though he does enjoy mystery and general fiction. He is also a poet, songwriter, and enjoys singing. J. K. Miller II is a 49ers fanatic.
