Title: Stop the Diet, I Want To Get Off!
Author: Lisa Tillinger Johansen
Publisher: J. Murray Press
Pages: 350
Genre: Nonfiction/Nutrition/Health
The Paleo. The Zone. The Gluten-free. Another day, another diet. We’re caught in a never-ending merry-go-round of weight loss plans, fueled by celebrity endorsers, TV doctors and companies angling for a piece of a $60 billion industry. But do these diets really work? And how healthy are they?
Registered Dietitian Lisa Tillinger Johansen examines dozens of the most wildly popular diets based on medical facts, not hype. And along the way, she reveals tried-and-true weight loss strategies, relying on her years of hospital experience, weight-loss seminars and community outreach efforts. With insight and humor, Stop The Diet, I Want To Get Off shows that the best answer is often not a trendy celebrity-endorsed diet, but easy-to-follow guidelines that are best for our health and our waistlines.
For More Information
- Stop the Diet, I Want to Get Off! is available at Amazon
- Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
- Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
My Review
I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.
Stop the Diet, I Want to Get Off! is an informative book about why we diet, how we diet, and finding a better way to lose weight.
Of course, most of us diet because we want to lose weight and feel better about ourselves. Lisa Tillinger Johansen includes statistics about the number of people who say they’ve dieted as well as the numbers of obese people in the world. I was surprised that the U.S. isn’t #1, which we’re led to believe. We are near the top of the list when it comes to obesity, but not #1.
Just about every diet and fad diet is listed and the reason why they do or don’t (usually don’t) work. Many fad diets are just plain bad for your health. With others, you may lose weight quickly but it’s bound to come back, often with additional pounds.
According to the author, the best way to lose weight is to eat healthy and to cut calories. It’s just common sense and I agree completely. That’s how I lost 90 pounds a couple years ago and I had the mindset that this was how I had to eat for the rest of my live. Unfortunately, after 3 surgeries, I’ve gained some of that back but I read this book at the right time and I’m ready to get back to my healthy lifestyle. Thank you, Lisa!
I recommend this book for anyone who wants to get off the diet roller coaster.
About the Author
LISA TILLINGER JOHANSEN, MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian who counsels clients on a wide range of health issues. Her debut nutrition book, Fast Food Vindication, received the Discovery Award (sponsored by USA Today, Kirkus and The Huffington Post). She lives in Southern California.
For More Information
- Visit Lisa Tillinger Johansen’s websites – Stop the Diet, Consult the Dietitian and Fast Food Vindication.
- Connect with Lisa on Facebook and Twitter.