Title: Shattered (The Academy #2)
Author: Aubrey Coletti
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: February 2, 2014
About the Book
(from Goodreads)
School’s in session at J. Alter Academy, and for Toni, Joseph, Ann, Charlie, and their boarder friends, that means they are still at the mercy of its draconian ways. While suffering the harsh consequences of their attempted escape, the seven teens must also contend with the formidable Headmistress and her taste for human experimentation — with the boarders as her favorite subjects. The seven friends play a delicate, dangerous game as they seek to discover the secrets behind their school and their own unique abilities. Yet as they move closer to uncovering the truth, will one of them be forced to pay the ultimate price?
My Review
I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.
Shattered is the second book in a series about delinquent teens who are sent to a high school for behavioral modification. I liked the first book, Altered, and started Shattered the minute I was finished reading it. I plan on starting the next book in the series as soon as I’m done with this review.
The Academy was started when the town was having a lot of behavioral problems with their teens. In addition to the town’s students, they have seven boarders from out of town. The Headmistress recruited them because of their special abilities. Along with those abilities they each also have a mental illness that the Headmistress believes they can overcome without the aid of medication.
In Shattered, the boarders continue to try to figure out how to get out of The Academy but they have to be more creative and stealthy than ever just to spend time together. The plan they conceive was not at all what I expected and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.
This is not your typical young adult book. The students and their language are probably more realistic in this book than in most young adult books I’ve read. There is a lot of profanity, bickering, and self doubt. I got tired of some of the fighting, and the hateful things that were said sometimes, but there’s a lot of pent up hurt and anger in these teens so it’s probably realistic as well.
Aubrey Coletti’s writing style is easy to follow. The first book was good but I could see her growth from the first book to the second.
I liked Shattered and plan on starting the next book in the series, Evolved, today. I recommend it for young adults and adults alike. It does contain some profanity but not as much as the first book did.
Purchase on Amazon.
About the Author
(from Goodreads)
I am a twenty-three year old songwriter, dancer, and author of the novels “Altered,” “Shattered,” and “Evolved,” in The Academy Series. I value my fans above all else.