Title: The Zarion: Saving Mankind
Author: J.E. Grace
Genre: Science Fiction
Publication Date: January 22, 2016
Davis Summerfield is pushed into early retirement, but he is actually enjoying his freedom. Interplay, a government agency, has other ideas. Davis suspects that they are involved in more than scientific research and space exploration. What secrets lurk inside Interplay’s locked gates?
Davis is told that his destiny links to a race called, The Zarion, the watchers and protectors, but a rogue alien race, The Fallen, is determined to annihilate Earth? Can Davis fulfill his destiny? Will the woman he loves believe him?
Along with an underground rebel group, Davis faces the biggest challenge of his life. Can he save them? Will Earth Survive?
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My Review
I received a free ecopy of this book from the author.
After reading the first couple of chapters of The Zarion: Saving Mankind, I almost decided I couldn’t finish it. The grammar is distracting but even worse is the constant switching back and forth between first person and third person. I decided to stick with it, though, since I like the concept of the book.
The Zarion: Saving Mankind is science fiction with two different alien races fighting over Earth. The Zarion are trying to protect Earth from the Fallen, an evil alien race.
The main character, Davis, finds out that he is the first human/Zarion and that his destiny is to have a role in saving mankind. There’s a lot missing as far as character development and the characters’ emotions being portrayed well enough for me to be able to empathize. One example is the office romance that isn’t actually a romance. Davis and Jeanette seem to instantly fall in love without knowing each other at all.
The Zarion: Saving Mankind was not the easiest book to read but I believe, with a good editor and some serious rewrites, this could be a good book.
About the Author
Born in California and later moved to the Midwest. I was a real estate agent until 2012 when I retired to pursue other interests.
I’m an avid fiction reader, love writing fiction novels and poetry, paint in oils/pastels, and also do digital art. You can view my art on Fine Art America, Zazzle and Society 6.
I published my first science fiction novel on Amazon Jan 22, 2016. I am currently working on a sequel to The Zarion, a mystery novel and a fantasy novel with a Christian theme.