Title: Anna & Evan meet Charles Darwin
Author: Tanya Hutter and Lina Daniel
Illustrator: Karin Eklund
Release Date: 28th February 2019
Genre: Picture Book
Page Count: 30
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Join Anna and Evan on a magical adventure to the Galapagos Islands where they meet Charles Darwin, discover unusual animals and learn some interesting scientific facts.
This engaging and educational book is ideal for young children to encourage curiosity and interest in the natural world and science.
The project was supported by L’Oréal UK and Ireland For Women In Science Fellowship.
The Department of Chemistry at Cambridge tweeted: https://twitter.com/ChemCambridge/status/1095236077911187456
Goodreads Link: https://goodreads.com/book/show/44016125-anna-evan-meet-charles-darwin
Amazon Link: https://amazon.co.uk/Anna-Evan-Meet-Charles-Darwin-ebook/dp/B07NJGGB5C
My Review
I chose to read this book after receiving a free copy. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
Anna & Evan meet Charles Darwin is a great children’s book that I enjoyed reading and even learned a few things myself. I didn’t realize that the same type of animal can be different in order to adapt to their environment, although it does make sense. For example, “African elephants have large ears to help them cool down because Africa is so hot…Asian elephants live in a cool jungle and have small ears.” There’s also information about Charles Darwin and at the end is a short biography of his plus a short dictionary of some of the words.
The illustrations are colorful but what I like the most is that there are quite a few animals illustrated and they are labeled. Anna & Evan meet Charles Darwin also encourages the use of imagination. When Anna and Evan are at the zoo, they whisper a spell which takes them back in time and to the Galapagos Islands.
This is a book that would be a good addition to any child’s library. It’s educational, encourages creativity, and will keep the attention of children.
About the Authors
As a young girl, Dr. Tanya Hutter couldn’t imagine that she would end up being a leading scientist in nanotechnology and chemical sensing, and a Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. Currently, she lives in Cambridge with her husband and their two curious children that inspired the book.
Lina Daniel has been always interested in science and medicine, eventually becoming a chemist and a pharmacist, and currently working in the pharmaceutical industry. With her husband, she is raising three enthusiastic boys. They all share a passion for scientific experiences, engineering novelties, fun historical facts, travels and adventures.
Tanya and Lina have been close friends for over two decades. The fact that they are both raising young children enhanced their desire to encourage kids to learn about science, and finally, drew them to write their first illustration book for small children. Hopefully, this will be the first one in a series of books about notable scientists and engineers.
Website: https://ch.cam.ac.uk/outreach/anna-evan-meet-charles-darwin
Twitter: http://twitter.com/HutterTanya
Twitter for L’Oréal UK: http://twitter.com/LOreal_UKI