Book Review & Giveaway: The Murders at Astaire Castle by Lauren Carr



Book Description

Never tell Mac Faraday not to do something.

Spencer’s police chief, David O’Callaghan, learns this lesson the hard way when he orders Mac Faraday to stay away from the south end of Spencer’s mountaintop – even though he owns the property. It doesn’t take long for Mac to find out what lies on the other side of the stone wall and locked gate, on which hangs a sign warning visitors to Keep Out!

Topping the list of the 10 top haunted places in America, Astaire Castle is associated with two suicides, three mysterious disappearances, and four murders since it was built almost a century ago – and Mac Faraday owns it!

In spite of David’s warning, Mac can’t resist unlocking the gate to see the castle that supposedly hasn’t seen a living soul since his late mother had ordered it closed up after the double homicide and disappearance of Damian Wagner, a world-famous master of horror novels.

 What starts out as a quick tour of a dusty old castle turns into another Mac Faraday adventure when Astaire Castle becomes the scene of even more murders. Mac is going to need to put all of his investigative talents to work to sort out this case that involves the strangest characters he has run into yet – including a wolf man. No, we’re not talking about Gnarly.


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My Review

I received a free copy of the audiobook from the author. 

I have read several Mac Faraday books and have enjoyed them all. This one is my favorite so far. I didn’t pay attention to what installment The Murders at Astaire Castle was and somewhere along the line, I realized that this book occurred before some of the others I’ve read. Once I realized that, it was fine because I learned some of the history of the characters that I hadn’t known before. 

The Murders at Astaire Castle is full of mystery and non-stop action. There are always a lot of characters in Mac Faraday novels, but the more of them I read, the easier it gets to keep them all straight. Gnarly, Mac’s dog, has to be my favorite character. He is cute, loveable, and so funny! I could just picture him dumpster diving!

I like Lauren Carr’s writing style because it’s easy to follow and she doesn’t get bogged down with lengthy descriptions. The dialogue is especially enjoyable. The narrator, Dan Lawson, did an excellent job keeping all of the voices separate. The only thing I’d suggest is that if he does any more of these that he make David sound a little less wimpy. He’s definitely not a wimp but somehow that is how his voice came across (but I could still tell him apart from everyone else which is most important).

I definitely recommend The Murders at Astaire Castle. I thought I had this one figured out but it has a couple surprises. Best of all, even though it’s part of a series, it stands on its own. If you like audiobooks, this one is done well. I enjoyed listening to it in my car.


Author’s Bio

lauren-carr-2Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, and Thorny Rose Mysteries. The twelfth installment in the Mac Faraday Mystery series, Candidate for Murder, was released June 2016.

Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs (including the real Gnarly) on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.


Connect with Lauren: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook







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