Blog Tour: Lions Can’t Eat Spaghetti by Bethany Ramos




Author: Bethany Ramos
Publisher: 4RV Publishing
Pages: 50
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Christopher finds a kitten on his doorstep, which, to his surprise, grows up into a lion! Since Christopher already loves his pet, he tries to introduce him to his everyday life, much to the horror of his friends, family, and neighbors.

Lions Can’t Eat Spaghetti is a lighthearted children’s book for ages 3 to 6 that celebrates the special bond that all children have with animals.

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My Review

I received a free e-copy of this book from the author.

Christopher finds a kitten and they become best friends. He runs home every day to play with and take care of the kitten. When no one claims him, Christopher names him Kip.

Kip gets bigger and bigger and Christopher realizes that Kip has grown up to be a lion! Christopher doesn’t mind but everyone else does. They’re not allowed to have fun anywhere, even at home, but then they go to the zoo. Kip is welcome there so Christopher leaves him with the zookeeper and visits Kip (and Kip’s new friend) every weekend.

Lions Can’t Eat Spaghetti is a cute book with colorful pictures. It also teaches that being a friend sometimes means sacrificing a little. Christopher gives up having Kip as his pet so that Kip can be happy and accepted. This is definitely a book that young children will enjoy.



Christopher ducked his head and pulled up his jacket. It’s pouring, he thought as he raced toward his house. He ran so fast he almost missed it – a little kitten sat on his doorstep.

“Hey, little kitty,” Christopher said. “Let’s go inside to get warm until we find where you live.” The wet, shivery kitten purred.

Christopher poured his new friend a bowl of milk and gave him some leftover hamburger from the refrigerator. “Sorry, we don’t have kitty food – hope you like hamburger. Now let’s try to find where you belong.”

 Christopher thought and thought until a great idea came to him, the perfect idea to help the kitty find his way home. He’d use his crayons and make a sign to put in the neighborhood. The kitty’s owners must miss him by now.

Christopher waited a month before he said, “It looks like no one lost their kitten, so I get to name you. I’ll call you Kip, Kip the kitten. I like it!”

Christopher raced home from school every day to play with his new pet. Every afternoon, little by little, Christopher noticed Kip looked different.


About the Author

bethany-ramosBethany Ramos is a children’s book author, editor, and blogger. She is a regular contributor to Bethany’s first children’s book, Lions Can’t Eat Spaghetti, was published through 4RV Publishing in 2016. Her second children’s book, There’s a Bumbie Under My Bed, was published by Saturn’s Moon Press, also in 2016. Her first chick lit novel, 5 Stages of Grief, was published by Black Opal Books in 2011; her second chick lit novel, Adventure to Love, was published by Soul Mate Publishing in 2013.

Bethany works as Editor in Chief for Naturally Healthy Publications.