Title: Nomit and Pickle Go Shopping
Author: C. E. Cameron
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Publication Date: 1st September 2020
Page Count: 19
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Amazon Link: https://amazon.co.uk/Nomit-Pickle-Go-Shopping-Cameron-ebook/dp/B08GKZBKT9
Book Summary
Friends Nomit and Pickle head off on an adventure to the shops!
My Review
I chose to read this book after receiving a free e-copy. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
This cute story is short with colorful illustrations. I think it is cute that Nomit and Pickle are shapes. With the cute story and bright illustrations, it’s a book that young children, probably 7 years old and younger, will like.
Even though Nomit and Pickle is very short, it needs to be edited. I wasn’t going to mention it, but when Pickle buys “desert,” I decided I had to.
I like children’s books that have a lesson, this one being the importance of compromise. I think young children will enjoy Nomit and Pickle.
About the Author
CE Cameron is very much a family person. Nomit and Pickle have been created through observing and being part of the trials and tribulations of family life, growing up & the brother / sister relationship. The stories take you through various experiences as well as day to day challenges – even when it comes to the simple, daily tasks! She loves family, food and animals and lots of exploring. The characters have lots of adventures coming up, including little challenges, which could go wrong & generally do! There is a ‘thought for the day’ at the end of every adventure. CE Cameron is a private person who loves nature and believes the most important thing in life is family. She hopes the Nomit and Pickle Adventures will be great to read as a bed time story and for children seeing a positive at the end of any challenge!
The Book Tour
Monday 7th September
Tuesday 8th September
Wednesday 9th September
Thursday 10th September
Friday 11th September
Monday 14th September
Tuesday 15th September
Wednesday 16th September
Thursday 17th September
Friday 18th September