Review: The London Magazine Aug/Sept 2014

Cover_Aug_Sep-171x243Title: The London Magazine

Publication Date: August/September 2014

Contents of This Issue:


Kathryn Simmonds Bluebells and Lavender
Angela Huth Old Men in Jeans

David Starkey The Transfiguration
Stanley Moss Song of Barbed Wire
William Corbett Three Poems
Frank Bidart Two Poems
Heather Wells The Wretched Web * Free
Terence John Palazzo Vecchio
John Fuller Three Sonnets
Eoghan Walls The Colour of Money
Norman Buller By the Rim of an Ancient Well


Konrad Muller Decembrist Without December
William Packer My London * Free
Michael Karwowski Bookending Dylan Thomas
Michael Thomas ‘Beirt daoine uasal’: Two Noble Persons The Irelands of J. M. Synge and Heinrich Böll
Charles Spencer Killers of The King
Grevel Lindop Sebastian Barker: ‘A Glass That’s Rubbed Enough To Sing’


Danielle Blackbird The Sanctification of the Audience
David Cooke The State of the Art
Edward Lucie-Smith Folk Art Made By Real Folk?
Terry Kelly Power and Greed and Corruptible Seed
Tom Sutcliffe The Hanoverian Succession
Paul Williamson Bilbao’s Other Serras
Roger Scruton Some Versions of Pastoral

My Review:

I received a free copy of this issue for an honest review.

I’m not much of a magazine reader so when I was asked to review the Aug/Sept issue of The London Magazine I was a bit skeptical but I figured, “Why not?”

This isn’t your typical magazine. There are very few ads and it is full of poems, short stories, essays, and reviews. I particularly liked the short stories, some of the poetry, and My London, a series in which writers describe what London has meant to them.

I recommend The London Magazine if you like to read literature with a little more substance. It would be good to take places where you have to wait for a while.
