Title: The 13th Prophet
Author: T. Jucas Earle
Genre: science fiction, mystery
Mulligan Burke, an over-the-hill P.I. who has forsaken the evils of Personality implants, is brought back from Alaska to investigate the murder of one of the Prophets. The Prophets inhabit the highest position of the social hierarchy – they dictate fashion trends. Fashion, in this instance, encompasses much more than clothing. And, as Burke discovers, being fashionable is something to die – or kill – for.
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My Review
I received a free ecopy of this short story for an honest review.
The 13th Prophet is a different kind of dystopian story. The Prophets dictate fashion and along with each fashion is a personality implant. Mulligan Burke is a P.I. who refuses to conform and has his own personality, so he is chosen as the best person to investigate the murder of one of the prophets. They are in a very secure place so it’s a mystery as to who could have possibly killed him.
The author does a good job of character development and telling an interesting story in just a few pages. And there is even has a surprise ending. It kept me wondering what would happen after the end of the story.
If you’re looking for a short but good read, The 13th Prophet fits the bill.