Patty Duke and Mystery Mansion

I’ve been working on my book website today and ran across this book. I’d seen earlier today that Patty Duke had passed away. I’m old enough to remember the Patty Duke Show and I was just the right age that it fascinated me that she could play herself and her cousin.   Share this: Twitter […]

1756 Unique British Bible

1756 British Bible – “It presents both the Old and New Testament, although the books are not bound together the regular way, behind one another. Instead, the binder opted to place them next to each other. This very rare binding technique is part of a family that includes the dos-à-dos (or “back to back”) binding…Having […]

Teachers Transform Lockers

A group of teachers and volunteers are turning an 8th grade English hallway into an “Avenue of Literature” by painting 189 unused lockers to look like the spines of popular books. Read the full story on Mental Floss. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Pinterest Tumblr Reddit Like this: Like Loading… Related

Never Forget, Ever Honor

Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, which began with Southern ladies  decorating  the graves of fallen Confederate soldiers in 1868. Today it is celebrated all over the United States and its territories as a memorial to all those who have died in military service. via Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Google Pinterest Tumblr Like this: Like […]

Our Reliable Post Office

I have been selling books online at Sleepygirl’s Used Books as well as on some of the big sites, like Amazon, since 1999. In all those years, there have been less than 10 lost packages lost. I think that’s amazing since there are times I have a lot of packages going out. For example, I had […]