Library and Staircase

  via   A walk-in room sculpture connects two overlying apartments in Düsseldorf. This multifunctional element consists of bookshelves circulating around the stairs. It is both a library and a staircase. It takes up the total height of both apartments and manages to combine them to a large extent. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Pinterest […]

The State Library of South Australia

  The State Library of South Australia has the largest collection dating from pre-European times in its South Australiana collection. This collection is mostly contained within the Mortlock Wing, the oldest and most gorgeous part of the library. Opened in 1884, the building originally held 23,000 books. Since then, the collection has expanded and two […]

The Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Brazil

  Images courtesy of Luciano Joaquim’s and Sebastian R.’s Flickr streams. The Real Gabinete Português de Leitura in Rio de Janeiro holds more Portuguese works than anywhere else outside of Portugal, including a number of rare titles. Completed in 1887, the building’s design is based on the Gothic-renaissance style that was popular at the time of the Portuguese […]

Melk Monastery Library, Austria

The Baroque-styled abbey and the library within were completed in 1736 based on designs by Jakob Prandtauer. The library includes a world-famous collection of musical manuscripts and features stunning frescoes by artist Paul Troger.. via Advertisements Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Google Pinterest Tumblr Like this: Like Loading… Related Tags: Austria, libraries

Library of Parliament, Canada

    The Library of Parliament was once part of the city’s original Parliamentary headquarters constructed in 1876.  via Advertisements Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Google Pinterest Tumblr Like this: Like Loading… Related Tags: Canade, Library of Parliament

The Codrington Library of Oxford University

The Codrington Library of Oxford University was completed in 1751 and renovated in the 1990s. I love this spiral staircase! via Advertisements Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Google Pinterest Tumblr Like this: Like Loading… Related Tags: Codrington Library, Oxford University