Book Review & Giveaway: Port of No Return by Michelle Saftich


Book Description 

Contessa and Ettore Saforo awake to a normal day in war-stricken, occupied Italy. By the end of the day, their house is in ruins and they must seek shelter and protection wherever they can. But the turbulent politics of 1944 refuses to let them be.

As Tito and his Yugoslav Army threaten their German-held town of Fiume, Ettore finds himself running for his life, knowing that neither side is forgiving of those who have assisted the enemy. His wife and children must also flee the meagre life their town can offer, searching for a better life as displaced persons.

Ettore and Contessa’s battle to find each other, and the struggle of their family and friends to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a devastating war, provide a rich and varied account of Italian migration to Australia after World War II.

What can you do when you have nowhere left to call home? Port of No Return considers this question and more in a novel that is full of action, pain and laughter — a journey you will want to see through to the very end.


My Review

I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.

I have always liked historical fiction, especially about the United States and how it got started. Recently, I’ve started reading more fiction and non-fiction about World War II. Port of No Return is a novel about how World War II affected a couple families who lived in the German-held town of Fiume. These poor people were just trying to survive the war and just couldn’t win. Ettore was ordered to work for the Germans but when the Yugoslavs came to take the town, he had to run because he assisted the enemy.

Contessa and Ettore Saforo did what they needed to do to survive. They, like so many survivors of World War II, went through so much for so long. I can’t imagine what they had to endure.

Michelle Saftich’s writing flows well and is easy to follow. The only difficulty I had was a couple times when she went from 1945 to 1947 and back again.  I wasn’t sure why those chapters were out of order. 

Buy the book:    Amazon    Barnes & Noble    Chapters/Indigo


Author’s Bio

Michelle SaftichMichelle Saftich is a first-time author who resides in Brisbane, Australia.  She holds a Bachelor of Business/Communications Degree, majoring in journalism, from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

For the past 20 years, she has worked in communications, including print journalism, sub-editing, communications management and media relations. She is married with two children.


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