Title: Frankie Dupont and The Lemon Festival Fiasco
Author: Julie Ann Grasso
Publication Date: March 29, 2015
Book Description
Hot off cracking his first official case, Frankie Dupont is on the scene when his new teacher takes ill. The pint-sized detective suspects a classic case of sour grapes, but the evidence leads him to the one place he wouldn’t mind avoiding for the rest of his natural life.
Enderby Manor has a few more secrets up her sleeve, and as Frankie begins to unravel them, he uncovers a plot stinkier than a sardine sandwich.
In Book 2 of the Frankie Dupont Mysteries, Frankie will make some new friends, upset some old ones, and of course, there will be lemon meringue pie.
I received a free ecopy of this book for an honest review.
Frankie Dupont and the Lemon Festival Fiasco is the second Frankie Dupont book. These books are fun mysteries for children that are easy to read, and it is easy to follow the clues to solving the mysteries.
In Frankie Dupont and the Lemon Festival Fiasco, Frankie has to find out who poisoned a lemon pie and why. By following the clues, he uncovers so much more than just one poisoned pie!
There are some unique characters in this book but there aren’t quite as many as there were in Frankie Dupont and the Mystery in Enderby Manor. There are a few characters from Enderby Manor who return, such as Gerome the Gnome and the chef, Simon. Of course, Frankie is just as smart as ever and his cousin, Kat is helpful in solving the mystery, as is Amy, A friend of Kat’s who obviously has a crush on Frankie.
Children who like a mystery will definitely enjoy this book. It’s a fun read!
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* FREE * Printable by Wise Owl Factory
We are pleased to share with you a FREE Educational Supplement for Frankie Dupont and the Lemon Festival Fiasco created by Carolyn Wilhelm from the Wise Owl Factory. These supplements are appropriate for grades 3 and higher and are recommended for a mystery unit and/or gifted education classes to help children develop higher level thinking skills. Please visit the Wise Owl Factory where you can download the FREE Educational Supplement for Frankie Dupont and the Lemon Festival Fiasco as well as for Julie Grasso’s other books (or click on the image below to take you there).
About the Author
With a background in paediatric nursing, Julie Anne Grasso spent many years literally wrapping children in cotton wool. Every day she witnessed great courage and resilience from the tiny people she cared for, which inspired her to write stories to encourage and entertain them.
She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Danny and their little girl, Giselle.